
Beginning of the Academic Year

Russia, Central Asia, and some Eurasian countries celebrate the Beginning of the School Year as the "first bell/first call". Mostly in 1st week of September, classes began in the traditional way in schools where children entering the first grade are presented with various types of school supplies, a school bag, and a set of textbooks. One of the most revered traditions of the ” first bell/first call” is the outside school courtyard event, in which a young first-grade student, mostly a girl, is carried up onto the shoulders of an eldest male student and all the kids stand in line to ring in the first day of school. The school director/principal gives some speeches and Students participate in some light skits, singing songs, and recitations of poetry.  In some countries like Uzbekistan; the "first bell/first call" is also known as "Knowledge Day" and begins with "Independence Lessons" in schools.



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